
Saturday, January 31, 2009

OK HB, I Found It 

And the URL is on the way to you via the wonder of e-mail. I need the motivation. Work is going distinctively wacky, as we DBAs of the Old Republic fight to present what the hell we do to the oncoming managment. This could get very ugly. After daughter returned from Yeshiva U Honors interviews early in the week her mom promptly had a small stroke so she (daughter) is here with me for the duration. Long time readers know the drill. Not fun.

Update later in the day: The ex is about to be released, so the drill may be called off. The URL to create posters like above has been distributed to a select subset of the CaptainSQL audience, so pain in the ass liberal relatives all over these United States should be the recipient of some pretty snarky posters. The Eagles will be performing in Cleveland, and Cappy & girlfriend plan to see them. Indiana is too far away and too exotic for this winter, so we'll pass on Gordon Lightfoot. Work is still snarky, plenty of Rank & Yank on the way. Phooey.

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Kumbiyah, to those that can live by it. 

Our offshore resources took the day off for India Republic Day. India deserves recognition, dammit. Starting with no resources at the same time as it's rotten neighbor, Pakistan, India developed itself into a worldwide competitor, as I can painfully acknowledge, through education, achievement, and innovation. In other words, American values. Pakistan, founded on the principle of murdering all non-Muslims, has become the Wyle E. Coyote of Asia. Yodelling and threatening, they attempt to destroy their neigboring democracy every 20 years, and regularly have their head handed to them, deservedly. So, here's to another great English speaking democracy, India. Just cut us some slack on offshoring.

When the jihadis riot in the streets here, what will be President Hussein's response?

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Robert Burns Day, Tomorrow! 

Can't find a fitting tribute, so here's a song about something about Burns. Also, found out that a Robert Burns is a martini, sans peel and vodka, add Scotch (of course!) and Drambuie. My folks kept Drambuie around. Never knew what it was good for. Now, about Arthur Burns... us Galitzianers will celebrate in April.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Daughter with neighbors for Shabbos (I'm not observant, much), then a whirlwind emergency Honors Program application fax to YU tomorrow night then the school play, then she's off to NYC for honors day. This is the damn longest college application ever, and it's not even mine! Whew.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 

Honeymoon over at 12:01 PM. Ho hum.


Monday, January 19, 2009

YesterEvening confirms slacker boyfriend of middle sister needs one of Red's or someone's size 11 C's up the behind. Saw Defiance today. Good movie. Good old fashioned killing of Nazis before all the Oprification set in these days. It may be significant that my favorite line was "your policy of diplomacy is shit" delivered 24 hours before George W. Bush is followed in the Presidency by B. Hussein Obama.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Little sister is in town for a funeral today. Will have to be summonsed to middle sister's house with plenty of Kumbiyah. Ugh. That really harshes my mellow. And the NFC playoff game isn't too bad, either. At least it gives me an excuse for missing Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore. Also bad is seeing middle sister's FreeCreiditReport.com slacker boyfriend. I miss my dad, who passed away in 1990. He didn't have an elegant way with words, like many of the fine bloggers to whom I link, but there were a lot of warm memories there. And, there was That 70's Show Red Forman to remind one:

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70's Kinda Mood 

Great weekend so far, socked in due to snow, considering. This morning I needed a nice, steaming cup of this:

Oh yeah!

Gotta download old Chuck. KOTH is reportedly on it's last legs, so need to build up the CaptainSQL library of oldies but goodies. Rascal House pizza and beer last night. This AM hit Eat at Joes for breakfast and am good to go. Warm and fuzzy. Almost turgid enough to watch the Steelers vs. Ravens. This Browns fan is hoping for a sudden volcano eruption to wipe out both teams. Not that I want loss of life. Someone's gotta win and the Tans had their chance this season. See how I did that: demoted the Browns to the Tans. Pretty good, huh? Anyway, mellowness has set in after a rougher than I wanted week. Would like to see the Eagles take it all, just to find out if Philly fans would still be soreheads after the World Series and Superbowl.

Work continues to offer cross training in other DBMS technologies and Cappy is gonna get his heapin' helpin' as long as it lasts. Bring it on! Theresa of Technicalities was in town this weekend for a limited one day only work trip. Would have been nice to meet her, but not possible. Don't know what company she's with, but after the big New England power failure they send her to snowbound Cleveland. Her company sure can pick out great meeting locations! I've offered profuse and grovelling apologies to her for lackofcoffee at Hopkins, and blamed the County for it.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

This is just uncalled for 


Friday, January 16, 2009

As usual, whatever the ex said is done isn't done. She fucked up the FAFSA, key to all college financing. Said it was in and it was not. This needs to get in now or it's time for my kid to look at Plans B, C, and D through M. All brought to you by the Cuyahoga County Domiestic Relations Court. When it comes to assigning responsibility to the losers and burdening the capable with the cost of supporting fuckups, nobody beats the Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court.

Coming to a federal govenment to you real soon.



Thursday, January 15, 2009

Damn cold today at the Fortress of Database Excellence. Also not a nice day as DBAGirl's company had headcutcounts. Whatever you do, keep warm.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Is This Any Good? 

BartenderTommy sez it's the greatest movie ever made. I saw it as a kid, at a drive in. Can't really make the call on this. You be the judge.

Also, further intense research has shown that Walter Kowalski was the real name of CaptainSQL wrestling hero Killer Kowalski. Who knew? Probably Clint Eastwood

Do unto others before they do unto you!

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Life Imitates Blogging #2 

Eric sent me on a Gordo search y'day B4 Martinis. Here now, the results of that search:

Great song, great musician. Always one of my favorites. Heard him live at The Front Row many years ago, B4 it was demolished.

Meanwhile, life as we know it continues to take a surrealistic, or extremely strange turn at the Fortress of Database Excellence. As apropo or ahh-poo-poo, the gal I'm seeing is mom to a redhead Marine that writes part time. What is the meaning of this? Also, how did this happen? The culprit escapee from CCCP referred to below that turned my kid around in the right direction resembles a younger version of this guy, sans CollanderHat. Writes in a local college paper somewhat similarly too. In fact my kid rearranged the Wikipedia page of an Eastern European country to name this guy it's 7th most popular singer, while she was bored during an Honors Math lab a couple of years ago. They never corrected it. Meh-heh-heh. I don't know where she gets it.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

The ex is on the fritz again, can't take my daughter to school so I'm doing that tomorrow, during finals week. Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh in the AFC playoffs. What a revoltin' development this is! I am done with this post and outta here for Martinis.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Clint Does it Again 

Saw this one last night. Damn good. Some day I'm going to be as cranky as Walt Kowalski and given my relatives, that day is probably shortly after President Hussein's inauguration. Now remember, this is just a movie. No plans for getting mowed down by gang bangers.



Thursday, January 08, 2009

This Code Generator is on the Fritz. 

You Should Travel to Brazil

1) Get a pet chihuahua

2) Eat less brussel sprouts

4) Study abnormal psychology

5) Get in shape with bowling

What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be?

I'm in a mellowed out frame of mind lately. For some reason I can't really get into massive work worry, although by all logic I should. Instability is a systems propellerhead way of life and has been ever since the end of the slide rule era. It's too much wear and tear to get wuppsed up about the future inevitable headcutcount. I will happend someday and until then life will alternate between hunkering down like a scared gerbil, that hunkers down a lot, and getting sick and tired of hunkering down like a gerbil and letting loose. Also, one cannot cover all the software in any depth, as in days of yore. I'm gonna stick to what I do best, Database. Guess I'm just a Set Theory Crazy at heart. But I also like Data Mining and B.I., and may take an online course. Their users are really smart and cool. Not that there's anything wrong with other users bu I like these and also like talking directly with them, without bullshit artists interjecting themselves and muddying up the waters. No matter what the economy or President does, there's always more and more data to screw with.

My charming teenage daughter is on a very good track, and is in fact maxed out on High School Naches. Of course I couldn't be happier. I don't see how she does it all, holding up the grades and honors and being Shomre also. Never forget, Leroy Jenkins does not roll on Shabbos! It is beyond my meager ability to comprehend, having been an astonishingly average teen myself back in prehistoric times. My main talent then, finding 3.2 beer. I'm also very glad she met up with the escapees from CCCP early in High School, which set her straight about The Left. Much less hippie B.S lying around the house that way, along with fewer slacker boyfriends, and the attendant problems. The other side of the coin to that one is that the OrthoBoys seem to have had a major infusion of testosterone since way back when, and many are harder to intimidate. Dads like OldSoldier may be luckier, though. Up here in OH-IO you can legally mount the head of the first boyfriend above the mantle, but I hear down South you can bag as many as you can shoot. If she gets the needed financial aid at YU that will be a great excuse to invade New Jersey blogmeets. Paging Jimmy Hoffa...

Still having a good time after hours, as in After Hours with CaptainSQL as seen on CBS, 1964-65. I like the gal I've been seeing lately a lot, and she apparently finds merit in me. It's a comfortable, easygoing, grab a pizza an beer kind of arrangement. No complicated hoohah. Believe me, it gets complicated with time. All the Jr. High School BS comes back, sorta, along with an adult lifetime of baggage. So I'm enjoying every minute of this. Boy, there's been a big falloff of Jazz places around town. All of the ones in University Circle have been nuked lately. My favorite Vice Bartender left for parts unknown, as she threatened to last year. The Main Bartender is intack, as are his Martinis. It's a fun crowd but very liberal. I don't discuss politics or news with them. For some damn reason, they and all liberals I know except for baby sister always hype their news sources; you know the ones; NYTimes, WaPo, NPR. And of course cuss out FoxNews all the time. As if any of that will change any minds. Pretty stupid. As of late, though, they've taken to hating NBC. Could it be that the realization of crappy journalism is penetrating even the denseness that is liberalism?

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Time for an updated video of CaptainSQL:



Monday, January 05, 2009

OSU 6, Texas 3 

At the half. Pryor and Beanie looking good.

Not so good at the end of game. Texas 24 OSU 21.

You sure can store a lot of corn chips in that Fiesta Bowl.



Sunday, January 04, 2009

Cuyahoga County Commissioners 

announce more flabbyass bullshine about Medical Mart scam.


They Said It Couldn't Be Done 

Or shouldn't be done.

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I apologize ahead of time for adding clicks to the Jew hating Plain Dealer site.

Those at the Federation need a strong reminder that it is not illegal to be a Jew hater, but anyones right to swing their fist ends at my nose. To explain it so that even a liberal can understand, your rights to demonstrate end at my property line.

Cappy recommends this as a policy.

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Friday, January 02, 2009

Very tensed up at work and feeling edgy all day. Still feel that way despite not much coffee. Didn't sleep well at night. Finally coming down from New Years Day. Job concerns, concern if the ex can actually fill out the FAFSA for my daughter. If not the kid is in bad shape. Some music by Vaughn Williams seems to help.

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Tribute to Edward Platt 

Lost the cell phone last night, apparently in the parking lot of Nighttown where me and the SQLBabe celebrated pre-New Years festivities, before being off to see Doubt. Very good movie, Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman's little bro Phyllis Seymour and all that. Very intense. Streep got real intense, but she didn't blow up real good. Also, she (not Meryl) presented me with some Palmetto Ale, from her trip to Hilton Head. Just in time to enjoy while Iowa rolled up the Big Ten's only win in the bowell season to date. S.C. performed smelly. You could say they got gamecocked.

Back to work tomorrow, for me to enjoy while it lasts.

Happy New Year to all.

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