
Sunday, January 18, 2009

70's Kinda Mood 

Great weekend so far, socked in due to snow, considering. This morning I needed a nice, steaming cup of this:

Oh yeah!

Gotta download old Chuck. KOTH is reportedly on it's last legs, so need to build up the CaptainSQL library of oldies but goodies. Rascal House pizza and beer last night. This AM hit Eat at Joes for breakfast and am good to go. Warm and fuzzy. Almost turgid enough to watch the Steelers vs. Ravens. This Browns fan is hoping for a sudden volcano eruption to wipe out both teams. Not that I want loss of life. Someone's gotta win and the Tans had their chance this season. See how I did that: demoted the Browns to the Tans. Pretty good, huh? Anyway, mellowness has set in after a rougher than I wanted week. Would like to see the Eagles take it all, just to find out if Philly fans would still be soreheads after the World Series and Superbowl.

Work continues to offer cross training in other DBMS technologies and Cappy is gonna get his heapin' helpin' as long as it lasts. Bring it on! Theresa of Technicalities was in town this weekend for a limited one day only work trip. Would have been nice to meet her, but not possible. Don't know what company she's with, but after the big New England power failure they send her to snowbound Cleveland. Her company sure can pick out great meeting locations! I've offered profuse and grovelling apologies to her for lackofcoffee at Hopkins, and blamed the County for it.

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