
Monday, September 29, 2008

Pre-New Year Emergency Repairs 

Sudden dumper problems, ony 90 minutes to interception of daughter for Rosh Hashana. Cappy springs into action, obtaining and fixing said handle/lever terlet unit by means of replacement. What a guy! It looks like it's gonna be an Alamo Beer kind of New Year.

Also, the dumper is highly symbolic of what I think of the bailout plan. Just sayin'. Also, the removal of hedges and reseeding have yielded amazing, fast results. Here's just a sample of the fine new lawn springing up in the cool fall Cleveland coolness:

This expands the ever expanding vista of the Fortress of Database Excellence to the wide open spaces of Ohio. Here's those wide open spaces.

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Very nice evening yesterday. Muldauer still has a great rack set of pipes and can really belt it. Not too much on the heavy duty political BS. The band did great too, good Marvin Gaye set. I had no idea she was so bluesy. Honest, I get her confused with Maureen McGovern. Must be that early 70's merge. If Red Forman were here, he's straighten it all out.

Browns won but won ugly. That is proabably the only kind of winning they are going to do this year. The grass I put down in the back yard last weekend is coming up. Boy, I lead an exciting life!

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

L'Shana Tova 

To all readers, et. al. Getting ready for the big kickoff to Kumbiyah week, with the loverly Maria Muldauer tonight, later in the week, Chicago. Cappy notes the passing of Paul Newman, he of football rival Shaker Heights. All of his movies were good, IMHO. Can't think of a current actor that can hold a candle to the likes of him. Spent almost all of yesterday backing up this ancient PC and getting the latest Windows service pack, which, of course slowed it down considerably. Also installed Google toolbar, which is for tools and which I want to remove. Way too much football lately. Browns, OSU win but not satisfying. Can't wait to see what the BCS ratings look like next week!

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paging Andy Flipowski 

How can Blue Rhino Propane let Kingsford take over the ESPN commercials and sponsorship of College Football? I mean, this just shouldn't be. Andy Flipowski, Entrepreneur, Tech Genius, all round good guy and the kind of guy I wanna hang with needs to kick some ass at Big Propane, get ol' Hank Hill signed up, suited up, and talking up on TV!

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Spread HD? 

A little time off from work for Cappy. Gonna tune into the JoPa show and find out what all this Spread HD strategy is all about. Also time to see what the Illini got, 'cause of visiting Chicago next weekend. OSU will dispose of a Gopher problem today, and it's not on the TV so I'll be meandering over to the Penn State-Illinois game. Maria Muldauer tomorrow and I really hope she doesn't fill up the time with a BushHateRant. Dammit, I'm giving up the season premier of KOTH for this.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Wasted precious moments away from the bar tonight listening to The President explain how he plans to spend our $700 Billion. I think Martinis for Everyone, every man, woman, child, dog, cat and goldfish would be a better way to spend the $$$. In summary: Assholes sold bullshit mortgages to schmucks. Said schmucks skipped out. Said assholes fucked up big time and now need to unload bullshit mortgage based securities on dupes, namely you, the taxpayer.

I say this is a bag of shit.

Flannelmouther explainers will explain... But it's really GREAT shit, Mrs. Presky!

I do not see how Obama can avoid winning now. With scumwads like Jimmy DiMora ravaging the countryside in search of loot and available doughnuts, watch your ass.



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's Real Simple. 

Here is my proposal for Financial Bailout

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Quizzical Sunday 

How to Win a Fight With a Liberal is the ultimate survival guide for political arguments

My Conservative Identity:

You are a Freedom Crusader, also known as a neoconservative. You believe in taking the fight directly to the enemy, whether it’s terrorists abroad or the liberal terrorist appeasers at home who give them aid and comfort.

Take the quiz at www.FightLiberals.com



More Pirates 

My pirate name is:

Black Harry Bonney

Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network


Obama Promises To Stop America's Shitty Jobs From Going Overseas

Stocking up on visits to The Onion, although I think the above may be real. Gotta innoculate against the upcoming goddam Kumbiyah events.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shizz, I thought it was Maureen McGovern, not Maria Muldauer.

So, there's got to be a morning after, after all.
Can't believe I wreaked havoc on th hedge this week. Guy tore it out and I spent today diggign and axing out the stubble, then putting down grass seed. I will pay for this later in the week.

How bad can the movie above be? Pretty freakin' bad. But it does have Ernest Borgnine and Gene Hackman.

Attended a Boston U. talk for the kid. Fewer Volvos than Barnard. Not as good corn storage.

OSU beat up Troy today. BFHD. Damn good game between Pitt and Iowa, though. Damn good.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Talk Like A Pirate Day. Arrrr... 

Unless you are Jimmy Dimora, in which case you are a pirate. One with his fat face stuck in a box of doughnuts. Don't like to blog politics much. Many do it much better. Also, in Cleveland, it's a lost cause. We re-elect sleazewads like Dimora, Hagan, Christine McMonagle et. al. because we love 'em. At least those remaining in this county. Most sensible and employed people are hitting the county line PDQ fast. It is also long since past when any liberal has anything to say to me about any bigger issues too. If they do, they need to refer to the behavior of my ex-wife's congregation as given in these blog archives.

A quick and hopefully not shameful game vs. Troy State, wherever that is, then it's off the The Big 10 for the Bucks. The chance for us to humiliate MeatChicken gives hope to life, as we know it. Braylon Edwards not contributing to The Browns. That's a UM grad, for ya. Also, with The Big 10 Network blackout tomorrow I will be forced to watch some decent SEC games.

The Vermillion trip was nice. Always nice to be on the water this time of year. Waiting for leaves to fall. Fall, leaves, fall. Defoliation of the back yard occurred yesterday when the hedge came down. I still have some stubble to clear this weekend, then it gets planted with a nice layer of grass. Really enjoying the wide open spaces now!

My daughter is theoreitically here this weekend, but spending Shabbos with a more observant family nearby. It seems like it's been a year since I last saw her! College application underway, so she may be gone to NYC this time next year. Sounds like a good excuse to visit, and barge in on the local bloggers. Always on the lookout for convenient corn storage. Hey, this address on Chauncey Street looks promising.

I did screw up lately, tho. Will be going to a Maria Muldaur concert next weekend, but didn't know how big a leftie she is. Can't back out of this one, so guess I'll have to send my camel to bed and bite the bullet. Some deserving cause will get some of my guilt gelt, tho. On the positive side, I do see that some of the ranters on Cleveland.com are on to McMonagle, or more likely have also been screwed big time by her.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

It had to happen sooner or later. And I'm glad it did. This guy gets the similarity right but the conclusion wrong. America needs Cotton Hill, and Peggy Hill.



It's Just Too Easy! 



Rack Computing 

Blah blah blah. Technobabble. Bottom line - Nice Rack!

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Say Hello! 

Some early 1960's Mishpocha of Ericas?



Final Score 

USC 35
OSU - ahhh, screw it.

Looks like our bowl game came early and hard this year. This should set up USC vs. Georgia, probably or maybe Oklahoma. Fortunately, commenting on this blog has gotten to trickle level so I may be able to avoid the slings and arrows of outrageous SEC. Also, being fed up with yesterday's OSU performance and waiting to drop off the Browns in the Superbowl tonight (right after a 3-microwave burrito dinner) I watched Second Hand Lions. Fine movie, that.

Waiting to hear from the lovely Erica about posting a vintage Rocky and Bullwinkle video. Will it meet her high standards, or just be irritating?

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

More Music 

about shiftless hippies.



That Score at Halftime 

Notre Dame 28
MeatChicken 17

Finally, decent football on the tube! GE has to be happy with this one. Their ND contract may start to pay off. Now final at 35-17. Looks like quite a few BCS upsets. Let the party begin!



This Man Speaks for Me! 

And a special shout-out to our fine offshore staff. Coming soon, to Pickle Bills:


The home-grown Red Green plumbing repair didn't hold and the car needs a starter, so it's professional time and all the crisp green $$$ that go with it. Can't catch a break when I'm trying to catch a break by taking a day off. At least there's football this afternoon, followed by the Beanieless Jim Tressel show this evening. Accompnied by possible martinis.

Boy, that Sarah Palin is driving men, and hippies with dicks nuts, ain't she? ScrewSA Today reports she veoted a bill to ban benefits for same-sex partners of state workers, and rebuffed abortion restriction measures. Sounds like the left doesn't know what to make of her. That's just another of the long list of things the left doesn't know.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Long weekend underway now. And it looks like a trying one for us in BuckeyeNation. Gonna meet a new fox in lovely Vermillion on Monday. That's one of my all-round favorite places. A gem on the Lake Erie Riveara, if there is such a place. Mandatory fun turned out to be fun. Was thinking of wrecking my back with golf, but rain removed that possibility. So we retired to a popular gameroom, where the day was resplendent with DBAs letting go of their frustrations with various violent games, and other such diversions. Almost as much fun as real shooting, but it's no longer legal to shoot project managers. Damn. The papoose is meeting reality in her bid to accelerate getting the heck out of our corn storing hinterland and heading for The Big City watch out for those potholes on 34th street! So I may not be back in NYC or adjacent areas that soon.

Immediately faced with a rotted out pipe when I got home from said DBA fun. This one was in the kitchen, not my own guts. So there may be some wrenching drama forthcoming. Get it? Wrenching?

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Waiting to do a small production change now. Working through a complex program tuning effort. The stupid bastard application manager doesn’t understand how testing vs. baseline can be different than real world day-to-day performance. Also, the fine manager rat bastard is concerned about the delicate time demands on our fine offshore resources. Hey, I thought these guys were supposed to grow on trees overseas and work all hours of the night and day for pennies on the dollar. What gives? Why should we give a shit about their personal lives? Information Systems means giving 100% day or night, rain or shine, happy or sad. At least it did since I’ve been in it. Guess the overseasboys are too delicate to live up to that.

Mandatory fun starts Friday.



Monday, September 08, 2008

Mandatory fun is back at work. Required fun get togethers. Contests for a fucking logo. I've got ideas for a few of those. Depressing, I tells ya. And then, while I was sulking about it, a sign from above. In bright red lettering on a t-shirt: East Cleveland Schools: Committed to Excellence. It was then I knew that if those brave teachers that risk their lives every day can man up and put on the game face, I can too, this time around. I've done it before. And goddam it, I'll do it again.

Oh, BTW, does this make be a commie/pinko/sociableist? No it do not. Y'see, in the free world of Free Enterprise, if I don't like the corpspeak bullshizzle I am free to tell 'em to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut, hoist the Jolly Roger, and strike out on my own. But, y'see, in the soft fuzzy world of gummit, once it becomes official mandatory fun, it carries with it a harsh criminal penalty. That is the difference.

So c'mon, gang. Whether your department logo is a toilet bowl or dyslexic beaver, outhouse or steamy heap, get in the spirit and remember this:

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Back at work. Mandatory fun on Friday. Link to Dilbert.



Saturday, September 06, 2008

Football Saturday Flying Pig Update 

End of 1st Quarter, ECU 7, WVU 0.



Someone Needs to 

slap Jim Tressel. Now down 7-3 vs. lowly Ohio U. No chance this Buckeye team will live through USC next week. And don't forget, OSU hasn't lost a game to another team from Ohio since 1921! Here's a clue, Jimbo. You have no pass defense! At least this will shut up the SEC guys because the Bucks aren't going to get anywhere near a bowl game where they could meet an SEC team at this rate.

Situation barely corrected late in the 3rd quarter, so OSU pulls it out (now it's brown and gooey), 26-14. Boo! Jackson. Keep an eye on him!



Thursday, September 04, 2008

Must be the hangover 

From drinking in Cleveland Heights yesterday:

Your Political Profile:

Overall: 80% Conservative, 20% Liberal

Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Getting down to the case at hand bright and early this beautiful Tuesday morning, CaptainSQL quickly diagnosed the problem from the weekend and sent off records to the vendor. His crack diagnosis, the change performed as expected. The problem? Other parts of the extremely complex program firing off over the last few weeks masked the true excellence of Cappy's expert advice and development. I'm just too good to stand it myself sometimes. Too bad about the production support induced paranoia wrecking the weekend. At least I got some ribs inside me. The only true antidote, Martinis, will be administered soon.

Also, the paint has finally dried in the kitchen. Boy, do I ever lead an exciting home life. Now the hard part. Selecting stuff for the windows, like curtains or blinds without feeling, you know, queasy. I'm no good at figuring out this stuff, and shopping for it doesn't turn me on. Feel free to send advice.

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Monday, September 01, 2008

Still not in the go-out-and-get-'em spirit of starting out the new week. Did done my due dilligence yesterday over the problem from Saturday, but know I'm going to be busy with it all week. Hard to believe my kid got her schedule only recently and returned to school. Also, the time between the big scary potential project last week and the Saturday problem was 24 hours. At least I got martinis in between them, but will need more. Beer really doesn't help that much. Also, getting hammered with my kids schedule and work hoohah, sometimes simultaneously has to play hob with the Babe Magnitude.

I did get a big hot steaming heap o'Kubmiyah today regarding the Chicago Bar Mitzvah. I may be joining my sister that lives here and some of her friends the Friday before for dinner in Chicago, which will become an Obamafest unless I can find a quick and obviously flimsy excuse for avoiding it. Got-damn, I tells ya, does propagandizing for vegetarianism/third-worldies/global warming/feminism/ashamed to be American have to permeate every moment of these lefties beings? I mean, I just mentioned that I'd be going to a local Rib Cookoff and she had to mouth off about Tofu Ribs. Well, you'd better believe Cappy went forth and did enough arterial damage to, uh, I don't know, help me here, guys, well do a lot of arterial damage. So this is what I face, so send in those lame excuses, gang.

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