
Friday, September 12, 2008

Long weekend underway now. And it looks like a trying one for us in BuckeyeNation. Gonna meet a new fox in lovely Vermillion on Monday. That's one of my all-round favorite places. A gem on the Lake Erie Riveara, if there is such a place. Mandatory fun turned out to be fun. Was thinking of wrecking my back with golf, but rain removed that possibility. So we retired to a popular gameroom, where the day was resplendent with DBAs letting go of their frustrations with various violent games, and other such diversions. Almost as much fun as real shooting, but it's no longer legal to shoot project managers. Damn. The papoose is meeting reality in her bid to accelerate getting the heck out of our corn storing hinterland and heading for The Big City watch out for those potholes on 34th street! So I may not be back in NYC or adjacent areas that soon.

Immediately faced with a rotted out pipe when I got home from said DBA fun. This one was in the kitchen, not my own guts. So there may be some wrenching drama forthcoming. Get it? Wrenching?

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