Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Do They Even Make Blatz Anymore?
That's about all the time I have for blogging, beer any more. The ex was released from the hospital last evening but I'm still taking the kid to school and events. Better to enjoy a six-pack of classic beer commercials than nothing!
Monday, February 25, 2008

Labels: Blogging, Music, Psychotic Ex
Friday, February 22, 2008
Getting Ready for my NYC Visit
Ooh. Ooh. Jumpin' Jehosaphat!
I'm looking forward to the big city visit, and my kid is psyched about finishing up High School early, especially after a few hard lessons in Political Correctness following the visit of Hillary Clinton. Daughter was especially impressed (not) by our local congresswoman who introduced Hillary with the startling news Ohio is a state! Boy, that's why she makes the big bucks! Does she know that 5 is a number? Can she identify red as a color? Very good! Maybe she could have a committee investigate shapes! Will this sarcasm ever end?
Labels: Kumbiyah
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Stiffed them but good!
Labels: full screen editors are for losers, Kumbiyah, Martinis, techwhining
Monday, February 18, 2008
President's Day
Labels: Martinis
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I have 82 channels
Dale Gribble, KOTH, today
Labels: King of the Hill
Labels: Blogging, King of the Hill, Psychotic Ex, techwhining
Friday, February 15, 2008
Also, being on-call keeps me safe at home. Hillary is infesting the local high school. I hope they thoroughly decontaminate before my daughter goes back to class next week.
Labels: Bitchslapped, full screen editors are for losers, Kumbiyah, single line editors are for men, techwhining
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Four Dang Years!
Four years of blogging excellence, taking on Nimrod Project Managers and sea-hag friends of the ex-wife alike. And it's gone so fast too! It's like it was almost yesterday!
Still on call, doing my on-call flawlessly. As expected. Saw my requisite chick-flick (27 Dresses) last night. Boy, the things guys do to impress! Need a dose of Hank Hill more than ever now. But just when you need that pick-me-up life picks you up, then gives you one straight to the snotlocker! The Clintoons are on the loose locally. They figures this is Clintoon country and they are right. Phooey! The local schoolmarm summonsed all the townsfolk for a big rah-rah rally when Hillary comes here to tell us how to think and when. Indeed, nothing brings on that uneasy, sleazy, cheezy feeling like a Clinton! I plan to avoid her in droves!
Labels: Babe Magnet, Bad Movies, Bitchslapped, Blogging, dang grammar, King of the Hill, Kumbiyah, Psychotic Ex, techwhining
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Ward, don't you think you were a little
Which Leave It To Beaver character are you? Your Result: Ward Cleaver You are most like Ward Clever (The Father). You like to give lectures and make sure that people understand you. You arn't too found of lying, and you usually follow the rules. You think things should be done a certian way, and you like to maintain order. | |
Wally Cleaver | |
June Cleaver | |
Eddie Haskell | |
Beaver Clever | |
Larry Mondelo | |
Which Leave It To Beaver character are you? Quizzes for MySpace |
Sunday, February 10, 2008
They're waiting in other cartoon municipalities, such as Cleveland Heights and Madison and Ann Arbor. Waiting to take from you your god-given right to eat as you please. They'll get my meat from me when they pry it from my cold, dead hands!
Labels: King of the Hill, Kumbiyah
Post-Football Sunday
Next week I go on-call. RussGal is going OK. No apparent drama. No drama is good drama.
Daughter is babysitting right now. The DVD of Season 1 of MXC is on the way.
Labels: Babe Magnet, Blogging, Football, techwhining
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Time to
Friday, February 08, 2008
And If I Wrote a Book...
1. Paper.
2. Verbs.
3. Martinis. Lots of 'em.
4. Some damn plot line.
5. SELECT and UPDATE statements.
6. Hot supermodel sex.
7. Hot supermodel SELECT and UPDATE statements.
8. An author.
9. More Martinis.
10. Index design.
A tip of the CaptainSQL hat to Dragon's Den
Labels: Blogging, dang grammar, techwhining
Thursday, February 07, 2008
I'm not him, but did go to his Jr. High School
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Which American president are you? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Theodore Roosevelt Congratulations! You are Theodoe Roosevelt, our 26th. and youngest president. You are an animal lover and a good role model. You may have poor eyesight, requiring you to wear glasses. You also have a good sense of humor and a hearty laugh. And always make sure to "Speak soft and carry a big stick."
Ah yes, the golden bygone days of CaptainSQL's youth. Brings back the memories of the great Yom Kippur Bowl of 1960, in Cain Park. Great midwestern pickup football. Major casualties, our scratchy suits and white shirts. Also our tucheses which recieved a well-earned beating once our folks caught us cutting out of services, and us with no good explanation for said ruined suits.
Labels: Blogging, Football, Music
Yay! I'm Ronnie!
![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Which Great US President Are You Most Like? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Ronald Reagan 40th President, in office from 1981-1989
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
OK. This makes up for the last 2 posts.
Labels: Good Movies, Kumbiyah
Great Dork Music of the 1970s
|Great Dork Music of the 1960s
Labels: Good Movies
Monday, February 04, 2008
Continuing to see RussianGal. No Eric, I have not dropped Boris and Natasha on her. Probably won't either.
Labels: Babe Magnet, Football
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Then I met Miss CCCP. Very nice gal. Let's see where this goes. It gets me out of the house, anyway.
Boy, is it just me or has the level of hysteria about the GOP prez race reached nosebleed levels of hysteria? The choices left for me are solidly my 4th, 5th, and 6th ones of the original crew. But anyone that wants to head up to the hills and await the call to swoop down and wreak justice on an America that's not pure enough needs to spend some time here, in Bluetown. That's yer America without anyone else to vote for. Nary a GOP candidate for any local office. Don't like what the greedbag County Commissioners are doing? Just what are you going to do about it? They don't have any opposition. Ditto Sherrif, Treasurer, etc.
Just sayin'.
Labels: Babe Magnet, Kumbiyah, techwhining