
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Severe database issue all last weekend. We came through but were hampered by production being in a transition release of the DBMS software. Whew. Pretty rough. Did get through to talk to the DBMS developers, which would have been nice in a relaxed setting, which this wasn't. Haven't had one of these in a long time, and no big weekend busting all nighers in 2.5 years, which has to be some kind of record.

Then I met Miss CCCP. Very nice gal. Let's see where this goes. It gets me out of the house, anyway.

Boy, is it just me or has the level of hysteria about the GOP prez race reached nosebleed levels of hysteria? The choices left for me are solidly my 4th, 5th, and 6th ones of the original crew. But anyone that wants to head up to the hills and await the call to swoop down and wreak justice on an America that's not pure enough needs to spend some time here, in Bluetown. That's yer America without anyone else to vote for. Nary a GOP candidate for any local office. Don't like what the greedbag County Commissioners are doing? Just what are you going to do about it? They don't have any opposition. Ditto Sherrif, Treasurer, etc.

Just sayin'.

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