Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I keep losing more bloggers what write good! First Acidman ups and dies, not Erica's called a hiatus. This sucks.
Labels: Blogging
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My daughter came over a day early, and is busy with homework and other nefarious pursuits. She's going to a Purim party on the weekend with a Frum boy. The frummer the better.
Whinemeal Yahoo has spewed forth a dazzling array of babes, all from strange and distant parts of town. Bachelorette #1 hails from south of the border, or at least the county line and works in the nut house. This is a big improvement. This time the girl works there instead of residing there. She claims the criminally insane there don't worry her. She hasn't delivered an opinion on DBAs.
Bachelorette #2 is a tall drink of water from across the river. Professes liberalism but likes shooting and is a big fan of 24. That could get her bounced from polite conversation in these parts. Seems OK. I'll decline the gift jacket with the bullseye on the back.
Haven't met #3 but is a certified techie, again at a polite (and safe!) distance from home. Sounds interesting. We've exchanged discussions in Unix. The photos looks good. I plan to awk and grep, and we can ping the night away.
Whinemeal Yahoo has spewed forth a dazzling array of babes, all from strange and distant parts of town. Bachelorette #1 hails from south of the border, or at least the county line and works in the nut house. This is a big improvement. This time the girl works there instead of residing there. She claims the criminally insane there don't worry her. She hasn't delivered an opinion on DBAs.
Bachelorette #2 is a tall drink of water from across the river. Professes liberalism but likes shooting and is a big fan of 24. That could get her bounced from polite conversation in these parts. Seems OK. I'll decline the gift jacket with the bullseye on the back.
Haven't met #3 but is a certified techie, again at a polite (and safe!) distance from home. Sounds interesting. We've exchanged discussions in Unix. The photos looks good. I plan to awk and grep, and we can ping the night away.
Labels: Babe Magnet
Monday, February 26, 2007
Remain Calm... All is Well!
At least it's better now. Just completed downing the ceremonial post on-call martini when the daughter called to ask to come over tomorrow, a day early. Good thing I drink fast! Looks like the second best bar in town (and in easy crawling distance from home) has reverted to the dive of my youth. Except that everyone there is now underage.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Rough Weekend

Rough weekend on-call. Not that many pages, but these were not the run of the mill roll out of bed, mumble a few words, and it's solved problems. This is why I get the big bucks. Now about T - 14 hours away from this:
Yahoo is kicking in with a dazzling array of female type women. I wonder how each of 'em is messed up in their own unique and uncanny way. You'll know for sure when I change my identity and move two states away to avoid them!
My daughter will be with me for a week starting this Wednesday. More teenage angst.
Labels: techwhining
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Why I'm a Friggin' Genius
|Friday, February 23, 2007
Spent most of the night and today fixing bugs from our monthly loads. Yecch! Still a weekend and a day away from a martini.
I see Illinois was forced to retire venerable Chief Illiniwek. This should cause quite a bit of harumphing from my brother in law. Of course, it opens up the opportunities for creative new mascotting. How about a cartoon character this time?
I see Illinois was forced to retire venerable Chief Illiniwek. This should cause quite a bit of harumphing from my brother in law. Of course, it opens up the opportunities for creative new mascotting. How about a cartoon character this time?
Labels: King of the Hill, techwhining
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Finally, it's safe to watch TV again. Both Dr. Phil and the Anna Nicole show are over, for now.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Whee, a lot of blogging lately! The snow outside has rapidly turned to a greyish crud (the best kind of crud!), in time for me to go on call. It looks like the replatforming may be going about sooner than we expected, me pretties (ahrrrr!). But for this week, it's lock and load. Then image copy and unlock.
Watching "Ray" on FX right now. That's damn good. Sorry I missed it when it was at the movies. I wonder if they ever come out with "The Chuck Mangione Story" if King of the Hill will be prominent.
Watching "Ray" on FX right now. That's damn good. Sorry I missed it when it was at the movies. I wonder if they ever come out with "The Chuck Mangione Story" if King of the Hill will be prominent.
Labels: Blogging, King of the Hill, techwhining
Monday, February 19, 2007
Fun for Vermin
No, not another rant about terrorists, their supporters, their cheerleaders, or Domestic Relations Court judges. This one may actually be fun for rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, etc. Here's a photo of the lovely proposed rodent luge in the back yard. Just strap in a couple of chipmunks, and away they go! Hours of fun. For me, anyway. A tip o' the CaptainSQL hat to my daughter who proposed this.
Happy Birthday, you Presidents!
And what better way to celebrate than hoisting a foamy home brew? I finished boiling up a batch and it's safely cooling in the basement (CaptainSQLcave?), awaiting the pitching of the yeast. Nice, creamy, light foam on top, just like a good Stout should have. And, considering the heavy use of grain, the house doesn't stink too bad. At least no complaints from the neighbors this time, in the next adjacent city. Any guesses as to the Plutonian original gravity?
Labels: Beer
Sunday, February 18, 2007
And, they are mild!
Oh, forgot to mention that the first batch of home brew came out nicely. A little less bold, but certainly not Bud like. I planned it that way. Hadn't been brewing for around 20 years. Now I'm about 2/3 through the first batch (not all drunk at one sitting), and about to fire up another. This time fuller, richer, creamier, and more foamy. That should be ready around the time I roll off two weeks on call in the next month and a half. Cappy follows the rule "no alcohol while on call". Immediately afterward I let loose with vodka martinis. Also in the middle of the double on-call my kid will be with me for a week while her mom is away. Ditto no conspicuous consumption there either.
Man, I have got to get control of the font size and boldness on these titles. It's blinding!
Man, I have got to get control of the font size and boldness on these titles. It's blinding!
Labels: Beer
Day 1 of
Here we are in Day 2 of the new Googleblogger(tm). Wow, what a difference. I grew 2.5 inches last night (skull to toes, for those of you with purient minds), now have the vigor or a man half my age (93), and sing like Elvis. Life just can't get any better.
My daughter is going through a dang phase. I've given her 20 minutes to wrap it up. Her mom is going in to the hospital for about a week at the end of February. This time she's giving us warning and doesn't want any visits. At least she won't be hurling abuse at me from the hospital bed, which usually happens with these episodes. I realize that my kid is at a sensitive time, so it's not a good occasion to send a collection of music featuring current or former boyfriends names ("The Mighty Quinn" by Manfred Mann, "Eli's Coming", by Three Dog Night). I didn't know Manfred Mann did "The Mighty Quinn". I thought it was by The Association. You learn something new every day. Teasing the kid is simply wrong at this time. At a sensitive time like this I need to simply continue to track and monitor all boyfriends or potential boyfriends. That's the only way to scientifically devise means of intimidation of 'em. Usually that means a 2x4.
My daughter is going through a dang phase. I've given her 20 minutes to wrap it up. Her mom is going in to the hospital for about a week at the end of February. This time she's giving us warning and doesn't want any visits. At least she won't be hurling abuse at me from the hospital bed, which usually happens with these episodes. I realize that my kid is at a sensitive time, so it's not a good occasion to send a collection of music featuring current or former boyfriends names ("The Mighty Quinn" by Manfred Mann, "Eli's Coming", by Three Dog Night). I didn't know Manfred Mann did "The Mighty Quinn". I thought it was by The Association. You learn something new every day. Teasing the kid is simply wrong at this time. At a sensitive time like this I need to simply continue to track and monitor all boyfriends or potential boyfriends. That's the only way to scientifically devise means of intimidation of 'em. Usually that means a 2x4.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I've Been Googlified!
Looks like blogspot finally threw me over the wall on conversion to the new Blogger. BFHD. Cleanup needed on sloppy posting on my part on Erica's Blog, for which I was lashed (verbally) within an inch of my DBA life. Hey, gimme a break. If we could talk good we wouldn't be techies!
Speaking (or writing) of which, it looks like another venerable old Midwestern mainframe will eventually take it up the snotlocker in favor of fabulous, wonderful, jet-age UNIX! Yay! Now we can truly prove our manhood with AWK! and GREP! Boy will that ever impress the babes! Yea boy, any a-hole can partition a tablespace if the architecture LETs you, but it takes A REAL HE-MAN to manage it without a full screen editor. Yessirrebob! vi edit is the wave of the future.
So much for whining. Things were going too well at work as it was. I'll just settle back and watch the snow melt. That should wrap up around July.
Speaking (or writing) of which, it looks like another venerable old Midwestern mainframe will eventually take it up the snotlocker in favor of fabulous, wonderful, jet-age UNIX! Yay! Now we can truly prove our manhood with AWK! and GREP! Boy will that ever impress the babes! Yea boy, any a-hole can partition a tablespace if the architecture LETs you, but it takes A REAL HE-MAN to manage it without a full screen editor. Yessirrebob! vi edit is the wave of the future.
So much for whining. Things were going too well at work as it was. I'll just settle back and watch the snow melt. That should wrap up around July.
Labels: Bitchslapped, dang grammar, full screen editors are for losers, single line editors are for men, techwhining
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Yep, watching the Superbowl again. Hype, hype, hype. This year even duller than ever. Ah, for the OSU/Florida game again. I think I'm watching a rerun of it, with the teams in different uniforms.