Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Head 'Em Up! Move 'Em Out!
Actually, me. Lease signed, cable scheduled and furniture delivery planned. Yee-haw! Was actually getting a little melancholy about being in RedTown most of the week, but lately (as in, the last hour or so) feel a shitload of a lot better about it.
Since this kicked off a lot of peeps at home have used the opportunity do dump their agendas on yours truly. I've bitched about said agendae before. Guess you could say they're assholes. This afternoon had to put my sister here off FB feed. Don't really care to hear how spiffy CastroCare is. For the love of Murgatroid, won't they ever shut up? I mean, they've got Obama, and still it is not enough!
Also the ex is hassling me and my daughter for some bullshit with Child Support. This ended in January. The agency had a prosecutor at the hearing. The hearing declared it finished. I don't know what the ex wants, but in no ways should she drag my kid into it. WTF: how much more kangarooey can the process be in her favor, and still it is not enough!
So, I continue to gobble down local delacacies. Today I demolished enough beef and grilled onions at Eat at Joes to make a half dozen vegans weep. But as far as leaving the abovementioned drek behind, no regrets.
Labels: Kumbiyah, Psychotic Ex
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Don't know if the girlfriend is ticked or not. Had to bring it up last night, and she knew I was looking at this job. She had just gotten back from a vacation and it seemed like I was taking a healthy poop on her mellow, but she needs to know the score.
Like I said, intimidating. Will need to set up a local Fortress of Database Excellence down there and be here on the weekends. Watch for a lot of Cappy's dollars take wing over the corn kissed fields of Franklin County real soon.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Labels: full screen editors are for losers, Kumbiyah, techwhining
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
What Would Obama Have Done?
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Labels: Martinis
Help me out to unnerstan this.
Labels: Kumbiyah
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Labels: Babe Magnet, techwhining
Saturday, April 03, 2010
I Has Spoken!

Voted for a High School classmate for Domestic Relations judge. Never met her, was part of a class > 1000 kids. Anyway, her name ain't Russo, Celebreeze, Sweeny, Corrigan or McMonagle so she's in.
Voted for best fit to two minor state offices. Peeps, you gotta take a chill pill! All candidates for Secretary of State and Auditor were good, and it ain't gonna make a big differenced which ones get in, if at all. None of 'em will personally guard the State Line from Obamacare, et al. Beating each other up over who is the truest conservative means squat in these cases. Both have to be honest, and my pick is the candidate with the best fit to the office. Unless we can clone Josh Mandel. Once we can do that, we need him to take all the offices.
As expected there was a no show to take down the aptly named Congresswoman Marcia Fudge. I did one of my kid's High School friends a favor and got him that job. Actually, he's the guy that got her away from the hippie B.S., and moving toward religion and a clearer view of politics. Also, he came here from a part of the former CCCP, beloved of liberals. Man, you never see a former Soviet subject and flaming Obamanite in the same room. The Dohrn lovers never will face up to what their Russian pals inflicted on regular people, or why said people fled to the USA and not the other way around. I tells ya, it clears the Commos out of the room like a ripe, juicy fart.
You're welcome.

Labels: King of the Hill, Music, techwhining
Friday, April 02, 2010
At least all that snow has melted.