
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday Afternoon Blogging 

Another fine Saturday afternoon, wasteage after car repairs and a haricut. Kim Novak still hanging out at the barber shop. A fine spring day here by the shores of Lake Erie. Enjoy spring here, both weeks of it. Not too many bugs out yet.

Ran into my sister at the garage. We yakked for a while. Not too much Kumbiyah this time. Called little sister in Chicago and chewed the fat. She advised me the next big technology will be manual. Like abacusesses (abicaii?) and what not. OK then. Back to unicorns and butterflys in the City of Big Shoulders.

Work continues to be the struggle to move to the advanced space age technology of the future. Ya know, it's not a question of logic, cost, benefit, or ease of use. It's a matter of FAITH. The technology that has been chosen will be the technlogy of the future. So it has been written. So let it be done. Those with strategic vision has spoken. In the meantime I think I have successfully dodged Project Management. I sure hope so. If not, I will fall back on this reliable advice:

Of course, we've got our own zealots in my DBMS world. Particularly them hotshots that jump from flimsy concept to coding in one move. Also those driving their chopper through the office shooting up anything developed before they showed up on the scene. Assbags.

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