
Sunday, April 26, 2009

You Tube Now Much Richer in Bob Shreeve Lore and Gore! 

In 1963, Shreve's combined experience in vaudeville, comic improvisation, and salesmanship crystallized when he became one of the pioneers of all-night broadcasting. It was then that Shreve made his first appearance as the bartender host of WCPO's The Schoenling All Night Theater, which ran from 1:30 am to 6:00 am on Saturday nights/Sunday mornings. Taking a page from Jackie Gleason's popular skits with Frank Fontaine on The Jackie Gleason Show, Shreve would greet the viewer as a visitor to his bar, and prepare to pour the first of the evening's mugs of Schoenling beer by singing the show's theme song, set to the tune of "Sailing, Sailing":
"Schoenling, Schoenling / That is the beer for me / It has the taste of malt and hops / Of finest quality / Schoenling, Schoenling / My choice for purity / I've tried the rest, Schoenling's best / It's Schoenling beer for me!"



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