
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

And, now I'm back 

in the groove. Or rut. Hawaii was tremendous! Beach time in December! Whoda thunkit? Meanwile my latest batch of beer ripens in bottles in the basement, awaiting that special time when I tap into whatever I threw into the batch. Son of a batch! Anyway, I've never been anywheres that smelled as good as Hawaii, except maybe one of the neighborhood bakeries when the first loaves of bread roll out to the counter.

And while Captain SQL groggily flew across America, Oklahoma and Pittsburgh conspired to make the inevitable happen. Yes, another BCS opportunity for the mighty Buckeyes! Yay! Thank you, Pittsburgh. Now get the hell out. The only casualty has been another week of King of the Hill.

I'm still feeling too good for the work week, for no good reason.

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