
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Midweek Update 

Is it time to go to Hawaii yet? Not seeing the kid much lately. Religious retreats and the Academic Team have events out of town on my weekends. It's a good thing she's into these kind of activities, but do miss her. What that Academic Team needs is a great coach like Peggy Hill! Also, cheerleaders. That kind of forward thinking is why I'm always a welcome sight at parent teacher conferences, open houses, et. al.

Cold moving in across the lake, right on time. Bleakness sets in. Only the promise of a bigtime ass kicking when OSU invades that state up north provides a ray of hope.

OK Eric. So he wasn't there. But the year for the Dino clip was correct, and he's a fellow Buckeye. That counts, right? Also, check out "Our Dumb World" atlas on page 6. There's the map to Erica's party. Be there or be square!

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