
Saturday, June 02, 2007

A little light blogging while my daughter completes the SATII in Biology. She'll be staying with me during the week for a good part of the summer, and I'll be scrutinizing boys she likes, with and intense scrut! Results along those lines have been mixed of late: one real good, but downstate, another more local but troubling. She backed away from the troubling variety by herself. Good.

Still waiting to hear about the tech direction at work. I'll probably be too busy taking care of stuff at home to launch off on new technical directions for now. Maybe we will keep the old technology a little longer.

And there may be some travel possible this summer and later. It's reasonable to take the kid downstate, where I can work from our home office. Later, after my sister moves to Chicago, like in the fall we might go up there. Possibly for Rosh Hashanah. Avoid Shavous in East St. Louis. Avoid East St. Louis under any circumstances. Was considering travel to a blogmeet sometime (local bloggers are lame-o) but may have to put that off.

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