
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Now Here's Cappy, with the Sports! 

More suckitude from the Indians. Shaq on Conan O'Briend last night just whetted the appetite to get the featherheads the F off the tube so the Cavs can start their era of complete and brutal dominance.

Later tonight it's the Browns first pre-season game. Cappy wants little drama. Your Browns key stats: Sacks. Reduced sacks on our QB, good. Same or more as last year, bad. It is simple like that, peeps. Don't expect great things from Brady, or any receiver if the guy has to pass laid out flat on the ground.

OSU should dominate the Big Ten. Because that is how god has ordained it. I expect Pryor to get even better this year. But can the Big Ten cut it vs. SEC, etc? Very questionable. Hey, how's bout playing more real teams in non-conference games? After all, no in-state team has beaten the Buckeyes since the Might Yeomen of Oberlin laid them low early in the adminstation of Warren G. Harding. Also, if you liked the OSU game and want to relive it simultaneously to picking up SEC action, just replay the game in fast forward.



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