
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Saw Paul Blart, Mall Cop last night, then we retired for a repast at Skyline Chili, the best Cincinnati has to offer, my undergrad degree excluded. Never let it be said that Cappy doesn't know how to treat a lady. And as the result, of course here it comes I dropped the Browns off in the Superbowl early. I didn't know that phrase was made popular more like poop-ular by Larry the Cable Guy. That's about as close as the Browns, as we know them are going to get to the Super Bowl.

Before leaving for a baby sitting job today Charming Daughter asked innocently if I liked the Steelers in the Superbowl. I have threatened requested many times to do a family swap with normal people to be rid of my mishpocha's hippies and slackers redundancy alert but due to this question all relatives are now on the block.

And I had the distinct pleasure of completing my preliminary federal taxes this afternoon. Man, this is going to pay for a lot of BS what with President Hussein. It hurts. But at least what I paid last year was administered by a President that favored America over Muslim terrorists. Too bad that's not operative going forward.

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