
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just Sayin' 

The summertime shuffle (kid to activity, me to work) is well underway, with predictable nothing else happening, mostly due to no time. Still, no major collapse, which is good.

I don't often post about polly-tix, since many others do that much better and being close to Cleveland and associated People's Republics, it's pretty futile locally. Observing the local nitwits in action (Tim Hagan, Jimmy DiMora, associated scum), shitty local judges (Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court, as a hole), and the recent sellout of America by the 5 Jihadis on the Supreme Court, I wonder if you can say we even have government in our major cities. Maybe it's not true all over, but certainly in Cleveland and Detroit the police are intimidated by criminals. How does this happen? The local politicians won't back up the cops. The cycle usually runs this way:

And, of course, now we're gonna get it on a national level. Lawyers all around for terrorists. Threat of indictments against any serviceman or woman doing what they're supposed to do.

So, if a government doesn't protect it's citizens, what is it?



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