
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

F*ck the G.O.P. Post 

Well kiddos, it's time for Cappy's periodic F*CK the G.O.P. posting. Looks like of all the sitting judges, all the county prosecutors, commissioners, mayors and councilcritters in Ohio's glorious 88 counties, the GOP can't scratch up even one candidate for Attorney General, even after the Dems handed it to 'em through Pantsboy Marc Dann. Where are those that whined that McCain ain't pure enough? C'mon boy, show us what yer made of!

Speaking of wusses, I note with glee that InformationWeak, actually the journal of Offwhoring and F*ck America and all it's techies has ahem rightsized to 48 pages, the traditional size of MAD Magazine. At least Alfred E. was entertaining and ficticious. Bigmouth shitbag Rob Preston took a leave of absence during this latest fiasco. Now Rob looks, from his picture like the kind of guy that could kick my flabby DBA ass all over the landscape. Fair enuff. But he's not in charge of The Journal of Kicking DBA Ass. He's a pencilpusher who is supposed to serve the Tech industry. So the real question is, Can Robberino kick coding ass? Can he write tight SQL procedures so hard it will make the Optimizer wet it's pants? Huh?

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