
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The kid is home from NYC and I'm enjoying the day off and waiting for the minor league bowl games to go forward before the ultimate, final, and decisive triumph of OSU
in the BCS. Time to let the Illini have their fun and let the cheesheads rampage
Still have coughing jags but sleeping pretty well. Daughter had a great time in New York and now has to face the music on homework, today. Also has to start driving. This late PM taking her to see her mom an back is killing me. She did get hustled by a couple of assholes in Times Square that sold her a blank CD of their "rap". Don't forget, you can't spell crap without rap. I'm going to have sources in the big city track they down (I'z speakin' they talk now) and they gonna make good on a real CD.



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