
Monday, October 08, 2007

She's Back/New & Ancient Problem 

My daughter was here this weekend. Caught the fabutastic Indians triumph on Frinite with her. And the megaton level whining of the YankeesMedia about those midges on Saturday. Truly a plague is upon us! Nobody can withstand the terror of the midges! Run! Hide!

She asked to return to coming here every other weekend, as it should be and of course I agreed. Very happy to have her back. Now she's #1 in her class! Also, she's the #1 target of a few scum. My mission - scum removal. It's the oldie but baddie and eventually almost every Jew runs into it sometime or other. She reported it as she should and I'll be keeping a close eye on this, with followup when needed. The school has been good and very security minded so I expect them to do it.

Very good, cool response on my kids part. Appropriate that when this shizzle starts coming down the Kumbiyah boys setp aside, and she takes more interest in thems that can and would address this issue.



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